We provide consultancy on procedure to establish a Private University. Private universities can be established only through the legislative route. Since Parliament does not have an enabling legislation, no private university has been established at the central level. At the state level, all states do not have their respective enabling legislation for setting a private university.
The private university is required to approach the State Government and submit an application in accordance to the norms of the state private university Act or any other guideline issued by the state. The format of the application and details required vary from state to state. There is variation in the process as well as timeline for responding to applications.
After the completion of the application process, a bill to establish the university is introduced in the legislative assembly. Once the bill is passed and receives governor’s ascent, the private university gets a legal existence subject to compliance of several other conditions that may be required. After establishment, the university starts accepting applications for enrolment and begins offering courses.
We are consultants for establishing Private University in India. Our team provides end-to-end consultancy for setting-up a Private University.
For more information on our consultancy for opening Universities and Colleges, Please feel Free to Call: +91 8588818801 or simple leave us an email at info@venturelab.co.in