For the private sector to establish a university, private and deemed-to-be-universities are the available routes.
Starting Private Universities: Private universities until now have been established only under the State mechanism. Therefore, there is only a state component with a weak central component of UGC, which is constant for all private universities. Both Rajasthan and Haryana have an umbrella Act for establishing private universities. In addition to an umbrella Act, Rajasthan also has individual acts for each private university that is established. Rajasthan has the maximum number of private universities. Haryana has been in news for the Rajiv Gandhi Education City project and also has an umbrella Act making it easier to compare with Rajasthan. Uttar Pradesh on the other hand does not have an umbrella Act but has separate Acts for each of the private universities, making it interesting to note the similarities and dissimilarities of legislative regulations among the three states.
Starting Deemed-to-be-Universities: Deemed universities are governed only by UGC regulations. Hence institutions are granted the status of deemed-to-be-a-university by the Central Government on the recommendation of the UGC. Therefore, there is only a central component and no state component to the regulatory structure and only one set of rules defined by UGC for such institutions exist.
We are consultants for starting University in India. Our team provides end-to-end consultancy for setting-up a Private University.
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