India offers a large scope for foreign players to provide high quality higher education and to fill in the infrastructure and resource gaps. 
There is an opportunity for private and foreign investment in establishing educational institutions in collaboration with Indian Partners.  It is also possible to collaborate with existing universities in India.  Similar opportunities are open in ancillary education services like course material, teaching aids, IT Solutions, stationery, text books, and much more.

The Government of India is actively working on allowing foreign direct investment into education.  Government is keen to establish clear directives and laws for entry and we expect the same to be promulgated soon.  This gives time for Foreign Institutions to study and understand the Indian Education Market and we can help you understand better.

Foreign direct investment into education will throw up great opportunity for foreign investors and institutions to invest in the education sector in India by establishing Universities and offering their programs to the Indian students.
With our experience of working across India, with various Government and Statutory Bodies we are positioned to extend the best support for your Entry to Indian Market. Venturelab provides holistic ongoing services to the foreign investor institutions who wish to access this potential market.  These services include:

  • Conducting Market Survey and Feasibility Study for offerings of the foreign University/ Institution to students in India
  • Identification of target City / State in India (Location Research -Study of its suitability)
  • Identification of Indian Joint Venture partner
  • Due diligence of Indian partner
  • Statutory Approvals, Liaison and Compliance with Govt of India for obtaining permissions for establishment of the University with Indian partner
  • Registration of Company, Trust or Society
  • Assistance in setting-up offices
  • Facilitation in finalization of the MOU
  • Implementation of the business strategy
  • Brand Building and Promotion
  • Recruitment of Key Personnel
  • Student Acquisition in India
  • Ongoing project management

For More Information, Please feel Free to Call: +91 8588818801 or simple leave us an email at

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